Inclusive Eating Disorder Education
Foundational Values & Philosophies
We provide robust evidence-based education in all of our trainings to ensure quality, modern, and effective approaches to eating disorder care.
We follow the Association for Size Diversity and Health’s (ASDAH) HAES® guidelines and adapt all of our trainings to reflect this. We strive to be HAES® aligned in all that we do, and we also acknowledge that this work requires continuous learning, editing, and evolving. We are anti-oppressive, fat positive clinicians ourselves, and believe strongly that all bodies deserve respect and equitable care. We also understand that health is not a moral imperative, and autonomy is our north star.
A history of trauma is common in people living with eating disorders. This is likely due to the efficacy of eating disorder behaviors in “coping” with (dissociating) emotions and sensations that feel intolerable, that accompany traumatic experiences. Furthermore, a significant number of people with eating disorders have one or more marginalized identities, thus increasing the incidence of traumatic experiences due to systemic oppression. It is these people that are often (accidentally) harmed by traditional eating disorder treatment, as it tends to be less trauma-informed and anti-oppressive than needed to avoid retraumatization and reinforcing harmful stigmas.
The IEDE trainings are trauma-informed, as we continually prioritize competency in eating disorder recovery from this perspective. We believe that every practitioner that works with eating disorders needs to be trauma-informed, regardless of profession. We devoted an entire module to trauma-informed modalities of treatment, and it is also woven into all other modules as well.
Because eating disorders are largely a product of white supremacy culture, our training was build on the foundation of antiracist ideals and structure. We acknowledge that our team has both come a very long way in unlearning racist ideals, and also that we have a long way to go.
We are committed to our own continuing education, to dismantling white supremacist beliefs still tangled up in our own beings, and commit to action in both our personal and professional lives to continue the most important work: obliterating white supremacy culture from our communities.
This also means that this training will need to be continually updated to reflect this growth and evolving understanding. We are always open to your feedback and call-ins, and promise to do our very best to make corrections and continue learning along the way.
To us, inclusive means that we strive to honor and prioritize those among us with the least privilege, and with the most oppressed identities. Our feminism aims to be intersectional, and we hope to uplift the needs and voices of the most silenced in eating disorder care.
This training reflects our intentional inclusivity, as we have endeavored to make space for the needs of folks living in larger bodies, the queer (LGBTQIA+) community, gender diverse folks, neurodivergent folks, less-abled or disabled folks (including chronic illnesses), BIPOC and non-white folks, women and femme presenting folks, and other countless marginalized identities.
Traditional eating disorder treatment, especially in the highest levels of care, typically does not (and often cannot for safety reasons) center client autonomy. We define autonomy as the sacred right to fully own our bodies and to make independent choices about our care, and have those choices heard and respected without attempts to influence, manipulate, deceive, or especially be disempowered (forced). We acknowledge that this is a hotly debated topic in the eating disorder treatment community, and that we do not have all the answers.
The IEDE trainings include Harm Reduction as a treatment modality, and tend to center client autonomy as a foundational philosophy. We believe that centering client autonomy (when it is safe) is the best path forward to honor the sovereignty of our clients, reduce the need for secrecy and rebellion, and to role model respectful love and care.
We hear countless stories in our offices from clients with eating disorders who were unintentionally harmed by their practitioners, who lacked eating disorder education and training. Our hope in creating these training programs is to increase accessibility to up-to-date and antiracist ED and trauma-informed education. It is our hope that our clients, family members, friends, and peers with eating disorders will be helped more and harmed less.
The Inclusive Eating Disorder Education trainings aim to:
Lower the barriers to get high quality and antiracist ED education
Provide FREE resources that are practical and can help NOW
Lower cost offerings at $130 per module
Equity pricing: If you identify as having multiple marginalized identities and economic hardship, just email us to request an equity discount.
No in-person requirements, all online
One time fee for the full trainings
No membership fees
No extra supervision requirements
Lifetime access to all content
Continuous updates to reflect growing knowledge
It should be restated that the IEDE team is committed to our own continuing education, especially regarding the aforementioned values and philosophies. We do not claim to be experts, although we do believe we have expertise in the treatment of eating disorders. Within this belief, we hold that we must continue to grow and expand beyond our comfort levels, remain open to evolving social issues and remedial ideals, and adapt our offerings as such. You can expect ~yearly edits on our content to reflect this.
Meet the Team
Veronica L Rocha, LPC-S
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Co-owner and co-creator of all trainings.
Roles include: Executive management, presentation of training videos, co-creator of all content, website and software development, general development and oversight of all production.
Institutional Credentials
Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor
Inclusive Eating Disorder Specialist
EMDR Trained
MA Professional Counseling, Texas State University, 2010
Nationally Certified Counselor
Owner & Executive Director, Austin Center for Eating Disorders
President, Central Texas Eating Disorders Specialists (CTEDS)
Former VP, Central Texas Eating Disorders Specialists (CTEDS)
National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, & Women’s Fitness Specialist
I would like to publicly own my many privileges as a professional and as a human: I have thin privilege; I am in a white body; I am straight-passing; and I come from a family of origin with at least one intuitive eater. I have had access to food abundance, love/care abundance, higher education, healthcare, and support over my entire lifespan, and I owe much of my success to my family. I am currently in an able body, am never questioned by authority figures in public spaces, and never have to worry about fitting into public or aircraft seating.
Does this mean that I haven’t struggled or don’t have my own trauma? Of course not. But it does mean that all of these privileges have given me incredible social power (and safety) that I did nothing to earn myself, at the expense of those in marginalized bodies and identities who are systematically traumatized and oppressed simply by being born.
Therefore, I commit to continue to do my own continuing education and anti-racism work, to delve deeper into the spaces of myself that hold onto pieces of white supremacy culture, and to keep taking action to disrupt, dismantle, and ultimately destroy white supremacy culture and all of the oppressive systems it has brought about. I also acknowledge that rest and self-compassion are essential for longevity in this work (which is also a very privileged thing to able to prioritize).
I've been a therapist for nearly 15 years, and I love this work with all of my heart, and honestly can't imagine ever retiring.
I am in love with learning, and am committed to my continuing education, both professionally and personally. I deeply respect those battling to recover from eating disorders and trauma, and I am ambitious and dedicated in creating heart-centered spaces where healing, creativity, education, and empowerment can happen. I am also tenaciously committed to rest, fun, laughing at myself, playing in the mountains, and falling asleep reading.
I treasure my roles in mentoring the ACED clinicians, researching and creating educational content for clinicians nationally, as a leader in my community, and as a fellow messy human and guide for my clients.
I endeavor to remain open, flexible, and to embrace my own evolution as I become more seasoned and experienced professionally and as I age. I welcome your constructive feedback.
Jennifer Pereira, LPC-S, RD, LD
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Co-owner and co-creator of all trainings.
Roles include: Executive management, presentation of training videos, co-creator of all content, website and software development, general development and oversight of all production.
Registered and Licensed Dietitian
Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor
Inclusive Eating Disorder Specialist (IEDS)
EMDR trained for over 10 years
Founding member of Dallas Chapter of IAEDP
Bachelors in Nutrition Sciences from University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center
Masters in Professional Counseling from Amberton University
National Certified Counselor
Former Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA)
Work History (post college):
Hollywood Medical Center, FL, Clinical Dietitian
Seminole Tribe of Florida, FL, Community Dietitian
Florida Medical Center, Bariatric Dietitian
B.A.R.C. Group Home, FL, Consultant Dietitian
Renfrew Center Florida, FL, IOP and Outpatient RD
C.A.R.E, FL, Addictions and ED Consultant Dietitian
Understanding Nutrition, TX, Consultant Dietitian
Nutrition Paradox, TX, Private Practice Dietitian
Project Bliss, TX, Group Home for eating disorders
Austin Counseling and Nutrition, TX, Owner
I acknowledge my privileges as a white woman with size privilege (although the medical industrial complex thinks my height to gravity ratio is a deadly disease). I am a straight-passing queer person, and I am in a heteronormative relationship. I am able bodied, while also neurodiverse. I grew up in an environment with reliable access to food and clean water. I was able to access higher education and healthcare as needed. I had one secure attachment figure, my grandmother, Ramona. I acknowledge that many of these factors keep me safe, both psychologically and physically, and I understand that this is not a universal privilege.
Lived Experience:
Multiple ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences)
Trauma and PTSD—receiver of EMDR and IFS
Weight Stigma—from medical industrial complex
Eating Disorder, Compulsive Exercise
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
ADHD, Neurodiversity
Experience with the US Immigration System
Anxiety, Depression, OCD
Marriage and children
A bit about me:
I grew up in Oklahoma, and attended a small high school in Piedmont. I attended the University of Oklahoma (I keep this on the down low because I work in Austin, Texas). I worked throughout college at restaurants, a hospital, Barnes and Noble, and even a video store when they still existed. I graduated in 2000 with a Bachelors in Nutrition Sciences.
I moved to Florida in late 2000, and later met my husband (of over 20 years). He is a Brazilian immigrant, fluent in 3 languages, and he’s taught me almost everything I know about the world. I began (knowingly) working with people with eating disorders 2005, when I worked as a dietitian at The Renfrew Center in Florida. I was shocked they hired me with zero eating disorder experience, but I did not yet know that was standard practice throughout the industry (due to lack of available training and experience for clinicians, during or post college).
My boss was a psychologist, and she was so great, but so not a dietitian. I was given a giant eating disorders manual by Reiff and Reiff, from a dietitian on the residential side. It was very much learn on the job. Oh, and also that everything you’ve ever been taught (about nutrition, life, etc.) was a lie (diet culture, white supremacy culture). Learning to work with people with eating disorders typically requires dismantling so much ingrained “knowledge”, healing your own issues, while continuing to “wing it” with clients.
When we moved to Texas in 2006, I had the honor of working with Jessica Setnick in her private practice. I reached out to her because she was “famous” in Florida for her presentations at the Renfrew Conference. She is renowned in the national and international ED circles for her extensive ED trainings, presentations and resources for RDs.
It was around this time that the first ED certification was created by the industry Goliaths, and I remember discussing its merits (and weaknesses) with colleagues at the time and since.
Due to the support of Jessica Setnick and Susie Hair, I went on to have my own outpatient dietitian practice in DFW, called Nutrition Paradox, where I also supervised interns from Texas Christian University, and hired and trained RDs. I had the experience of supervising, first as an intern, and later as a blossoming dietitian, Casey Bonano, who has her own practice in Dallas, Texas.
The ED industry has long had issues around providing quality, affordable, anti-carceral treatment. Ian 2012, my husband and I opened a non-profit home for eating disorder treatment, Project Bliss. It was during this time that I pursued my dream of becoming a therapist and earned my Masters in Professional Counseling. Sadly, we had to discontinue services at Project Bliss in 2015 due to lack of funding. Fortunately, in 2024 we revived this 501(c)3 in Austin to provide treatment scholarships and other community assistance for those in marginalized bodies..
When we moved to Austin in 2015, I worked closely for many years with Dr. Edward Tyson, MD, who is also known internationally for his medical eating disorder knowledge. We expanded the practice in 2020, and now have a thriving group practice of inclusive, trauma-informed therapists and dietitians, Austin Counseling and Nutrition.
In my frustrated effort to find social justice oriented, comprehensive ED trainings for my own clinicians, I complained to Veronica Rocha, who was also growing a group practice of both therapists and dietitians. It was echoed on social media: there was no great alternative to the only thing out there—other people were looking for it too.
Our teams decided to create a comprehensive eating disorder training for our practices, and others, to use. This was first discussed in 2021. It took over 2 years, thousands of hours, dozens of clinicians, and thousands of dollars to develop, but we did it!
I have so much gratitude for my husband, Roger Pereira, my children, and my fur soulmate, Nina. I am grateful for the energy and effort of this diverse group of brilliant contributors. And I am grateful to Veronica Rocha, for taking this on with me, and opening herself up to all of the constructive feedback we look forward to receiving.
Board of Advisors
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Board Chair of Advisors; Presenter; and Contributor in research and content production
Leslie (she/her) is a multi-certified wellness and movement professional, consultant, and certified Eating Disorder Recovery Coach. She completed her undergraduate degree in Political Science and followed her interest in policy through graduate school, earning a Dual Master’s Degrees in Diverse Leadership (MBA) and Community Health (MPH) in 2009. Beginning as a side hustle, Leslie has a variety of movement certifications, but most notably she is credentialed as AFAA/NASM Lifetime Certified Group Exercise Instructor and as a Personal Trainer. Her helping health career has spanned military, public health, education, and non-profit sectors and is rooted in the unwavering belief that all people are deserving of a life of agency, self-determination, and joy. Through her private practice, Liberati Wellness, she provides ED Recovery Coaching and HAES®-aligned personal training to help individuals find holistic well-being and gain liberation from unhelpful and oppressive food, body, and movement relationships. Additionally, she consults, educates, and partners with businesses, organizations, and helping health practices to embed social justice principles into their work for the collective liberation of our communities.
Learn more about Leslie and her offerings here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Board Chair of Advisors; Presenter; and Contributor in research and content production
Najeeha is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Texas. She graduated with her Master’s in Counseling Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2020. Her approach in therapy is that of gentle empowerment and trauma-informed healing through radical self-love. She has yet to meet a client that didn’t need more self-compassion and self-love in their lives, and helping clients work towards that goal is her favorite part of being a therapist! She attends the ED BIPOC conference annually.
Najeeha feels a particular passion for helping her clients work through disordered eating and body image concerns. She knows on the other end of this hard work is a feeling of freedom in one's body. So much of disordered eating is a result of disconnection from one’s body, due to both systemic and individual factors. There is power in returning to your body’s unique story. Her stance is an interpersonal and holistic mind-body-heart-soul approach, informed by being a daughter of South Asian immigrants and a Muslim. She believes in helping clients find inspiration in their unique identities and using the strength they derive from them in their healing process. She utilizes interpersonal and psychodynamic modalities, along with EMDR, exposure work, CBT, and DBT with clients.Learn more about Najeeha here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Yasmine Mavrakis (she, her) is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist and founder of Mavrakis Nutrition, a nutrition counseling practice in Austin, TX. Yasmine holds a degree in Nutritional Sciences in Medical Dietetics from the University of Missouri, and is also credentialed as a Certified Group Fitness Instructor with the American Council of Exercise.
She specializes in supporting folks with chronic disease management through a weight-inclusive approach, alongside the intersection with mental health conditions, including those related to eating disorder recovery. Yasmine enjoys building creative approaches for transforming models of care to build more affirming and inclusive care for folks. As a bicultural Latina/Arab-American dietitian, she provides nutrition counseling from a Health at Every Size framework and aims to provide support to food and body image concerns across diverse cultures and identities.
Learn more about Yasmine here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Presenter & Contributor in research and content production
Mollyanne Vasquez, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), obtained a Bachelor's in Psychology from Texas State University and a Master’s in Social Work from the University of Texas Arlington. Following this, she obtained her LCSW in both Texas and North Carolina. Mollyanne’s early experience includes early childhood education, work in faith communities, therapeutic summer camps for teens in foster care and child abuse/neglect intervention and prevention, focusing on providing sexual abuse prevention education to children, youth-serving organizations and parents. Following completing her master’s degree, Mollyanne provided group and individual therapy to adults, adolescents, families and couples working towards recovery from eating disorders at the PHP level of care. Mollyanne then transitioned to providing outpatient individual and family therapy to adolescents and adults with eating disorders, trauma and OCD. During this time, Mollyanne received training regarding Internal Family Systems and Exposure and Response Prevention, among other clinical modalities and how they apply to these populations. Currently, Mollyanne is the Clinical Director for Austin Center for Eating Disorders, providing support, oversight and coaching to ACED’s clinical team, and developing outreach and educational efforts to better educate the community regarding eating disorder prevention, identification and intervention.
Learn More about Mollyanne here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: IEDE Social Work Consultant, contributor in research and content production
I work from a hopeful, strengths-based perspective, believing that growth and healing are possible for every client. I recognize the courage and vulnerability it takes to pursue therapy, so I do my best to make sessions feel safe and comfortable, where you can show up as you truly are, on easy days and hard ones. I believe that as a reflection of life, therapy can have moments of fun and laughter in the midst of working towards your goals. I also believe we all want to feel known, seen, and valued for who we are and what we bring to the world, and I desire to help my clients experience that in the process of our work together.
Learn more about Hannah here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Presenter & Contributor in research and content production
Anna Reed is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) currently practicing as a clinical therapist at Austin Center for Eating Disorders in Austin, Texas. Anna received an undergraduate degree in sociology from Tulane University in 2014 and a Masters of Science in Social Work from The University of Texas at Austin in 2020. During her graduate degree program, Anna studied cultural-relational, trauma-informed and attachment modalities for working with children, youth and adults, including directive and non-directive play therapy, interpersonal neurobiology, trust-based relational intervention and solution-focused interventions that center individual autonomy and person-in-environment. Over the past 10 years, she has spent her career working in non-profit, government and group agency settings administering services and programs supporting complex mental, physical and behavioral health needs, including case management, crisis and therapeutic inventions within the Texas child welfare system and Central Texas school districts. As an Inclusive Eating Disorder Specialist, Anna has both professional expertise and personal lived experience that inform her work with clients, and has a particular passion for supporting folks navigating the intersection of trauma and disordered eating. Anna is Health at Every Size® and Intuitive Eating aligned and has received eclectic training in a variety of therapeutic modalities, including the following: EMDR, ACT, MI, SFT, exposure-based interventions, and over 50+ hours of eating disorder specific training. Anna is an active member of the Central Texas Eating Disorder Specialist professional organization. She participates in weekly peer consultation with other eating disorder clinicians and receives mentorship from Veronica Rocha, LPC-S and Tammy Linseisen, LCSW-S.
Noteable Trainings:
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Basic Training with Dr. Christie Sprowls, PsyD
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) with Aprilia West
Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), 10+ hours with Mary Beer, LCSW-S
Motivational Interviewing (MI), 16 hours of study with University of Texas at El Paso Latino Alcohol And Health Disparities Research and Training Center
Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), 40+ hours of accrued practice with Jack Nowicki, LCSW at UT Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work and Jolynne Batchelor, LCSW-S
Learn more about Anna here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Board Chair of Advisors; Presenter; Contributor in research and content production; Assessment development
Amy Helms is a Certified Eating Disorder Specialist (CEDS-C) and an approved consultant for those seeking this credential through the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals or IAEDP.
She is a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and Certified LEAP Therapist. She earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition Science from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and her Master’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Rush University in Chicago, Illinois, and her Masters in Social Work from the University of South Carolina.
Amy gained extensive clinical and supervisory experience working at academic medical centers, eating disorder treatment programs, serving as a school nutrition director, and serving as a preceptor for aspiring dietitians, physicians, and nurses. Amy has been invited to and given several presentations to a variety of professional organizations, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Neurology Association, the Association of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition, Georgia Psychology Association, the National Christian Social Work Association, Licensed Professional Counselors of Georgia, National Association of Social Workers-SC, and the National Eating Disorders Association. She has been the featured speaker at multiple National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) Walks.
Learn more about Amy here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Mo Salari (she/they) is a dedicated therapist based in Austin, Texas. She earned her undergraduate degree in Applied Arts and Sciences from Texas State University in 2013 and a Master of Social Work from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2022. After graduation, Mo began her career at the Center for Discovery in Austin, where she worked with individuals facing a range of eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), binge eating disorder, and bulimia nervosa. Following her tenure in the higher level of care setting, Mo joined an outpatient private practice, the Austin Center for Eating Disorders (ACED). Mo has since broadened her specializations to include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), anxiety disorders, life transitions, interpersonal struggles and loves her work with LGBTQIA+ and neurodivergent folks. Mo employs a variety of therapeutic modalities in their practice, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), solution-focused therapy, interpersonal process therapy, and exposure therapy, among others. Mo has completed extensive training in the treatment of eating disorders, exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy, emotion-focused family therapy, and more. Mo is passionate about fostering a supportive and inclusive therapeutic environment for all her clients, incorporating liberatory frameworks including Health at Every Size (HAES), feminist theory, bell hooks' love ethic, queer theory, and anti-racism.
Learn more about Mo here.
Supervised by Kim Fry, LMFT-S
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Haley has a Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and currently works at Austin Counseling and Nutrition in Austin, Texas. Haley is a marriage and family therapist associate in Austin, Texas. She is passionate about working with individuals with eating disorders and parents who are struggling to navigate how to support their child with an eating disorder. She has wanted to help people with eating disorders for as long as she can remember. She is trained in EMDR and can help clients work on deeper traumas. She is married to the love of her life, Zach Daroowala, and they are parents to a new puppy named Woods.
Learn More about Haley here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Sawyer Greer is a a Registered Dietitian specializing in eating disorders. More specifically, Sawyer is passionate about her work with eating disorders, prenatal and postpartum clients, athletes, and women seeking hormonal support. Over the past several years, Sawyer has gained robust education and expertise in treating the full range of eating disorders, compulsive exercise, and the complex treatment needs of clients who struggle with both an restrictive eating disorder and disordered exercise.
Sawyer graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and completed her Masters of Science in Human Nutrition from Texas State University.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Holly graduated with my Bachelors in Nutrition from Oregon State University, and completed Her Dietetic Internship at Tulane University in New Orleans. She then passed the Commission on Dietetic Registration Exam and has become a board-certified Registered Dietitian as well as a Licensed Dietitian in the state of Texas. In her free time she loves exploring the fun new food trucks and restaurants around Austin, disc golfing at Zilker Park, and cuddling with her cat Cheeto. Her love of food is what made her pursue a career in nutrition. SheI personally understands how hard it can be to have a positive relationship with food. She has struggled herself with body and food positivity, and understands how difficult it can be. She is very passionate about helping others build a positive relationship with food. Her focus is on an anti-diet approach, and strongly believes in Intuitive eating and Health at Every Size. There are many misconceptions about health, and she wants to help people navigate through all of the misleading information. Learn More about Holly here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Aubrey Jones (she/her) received her Masters in Clinical Counseling: Art Therapy from Adler University in Chicago, Il in 2017. She is a LPC-Associate specializing in eating disorders and has had previous experience working with sexual abuse and trauma, developmental and intellectual disabilities, ASD and spectrum disorders, and acute mental health diagnoses.
Aubrey has a passion for helping her clients grow and thrive, and uses her experience and knowledge from previous roles to support her clients in their ED recovery. Her current work is primarily with children and adolescents, supporting a range of needs including: ARFID, OCD, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, OSFED, BDD, and more. She utilizes her work in Art Therapy as well as her experience with various therapeutic modalities to provide comprehensive care to her clients.
Aubrey especially values the experience and knowledge gained from fellow professionals in the ED field. She received invaluable experience working with the ED population in a treatment center setting, and has only continued to learn and grow in her current role at Austin Center For Eating Disorders.
Learn more about Aubrey here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Hannah graduated with a Bachelors in Nutrition. She completed her Dietetic Internship (1000 hours) through the Coordinated Program in Dietetics at the University of Texas at Austin in 2021. She passed the Commission on Dietetic Registration Exam and has become a board certified Registered Dietitian and she is a Licensed Dietitian in the state of Texas. She has worked at Eating Recovery Center and is currently at Austin Counseling and Nutrition. Hannah initially became interested in pursuing a career in dietetics after working with dietitians during her time dancing at professional ballet schools. During this time she struggled with body and food positivity. She understands how difficult it can be to have a healthy relationship with food. She is passionate about working with others to help them find peace with food and their bodies. She believes in approaching nutrition from an anti-diet perspective and supporting the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size.
Learn more about Hannah here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
I am a food-loving Registered Dietitian in Austin, Texas. I am passionate and dedicated to my work with clients as a nutrition therapist, and believe that every body is entitled to compassionate care, autonomy, and nourishment.
I obtained a Bachelor's in Communications from the University of Texas at Austin and worked in various marketing roles before returning to UT to complete a Bachelor's in Nutrition, Master's in Nutritional Sciences, and the Integrated Coordinated Program of Dietetics Internship (1000+ hours). I passed the Commission on Dietetic Registration Exam and became a Licensed Dietitian in the state of Texas. I currently provide nutrition support to clients at the Austin Center for Eating Disorders, and I am a member of the Central Texas Eating Disorder Specialists. I am passionate about helping my clients navigate their recovery journey with food and explore food as both nourishment and joy.
I love to learn and I have acquired significant education, training, and experience in treating the spectrum of eating disorders and co-occurring conditions. I have experience in working in a variety of professional medical and dietetic settings: providing professional nutritional consultation in grocery stores, eating disorder specialized practices, and hospitals.
Furthermore, I have experience in providing general wellness coaching, food service, culinary instruction, and nutrition education for children.
Learn more about Mia here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
My specialty is working with eating disorders and co-occurring stressors. My commonly used therapeutic modalities are DBT, ACT, CBT and EMDR. I offer a safe space for my clients to process what circumstances brought them to where they are at, and the gentle push to move forward. I love bringing self-compassion and mindfulness practices to session.
Learn more about Hannah here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Samantha Roberts is a clinical social worker with 5 years of experience in direct practice and a special interest in supporting individuals experiencing disordered eating and maintaining eating disorder recovery. Samantha received her Master of Social Work from Texas State University in 2020 and upgraded to a Licensed Clinical Social Worker through Texas BHEC in 2024. Samantha also completed licensure as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor through Texas HHSC in 2023. Samatha has completed dozens of hours of training specific to treating trauma, chemical dependency, eating disorders, and neurodivergence. Samantha is an active member of the Central Texas Eating Disorder Specialists community.
Additional information about Samantha Roberts and Alliance Counseling Works can be found at here.
Supervised by Megan Hall, LPC-S
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Riana is a Licensed Professional Counselor- Associate at Austin Counseling and Nutrition. Her goal from a very young age has been to become a counselor. From her very first introduction to a psychology class, she knew this was exactly where she needed to be. With all the stigma around mental health and seeking therapy, she's hoping we can start to normalize going to therapy to give our mental health a check-up and work through bigger struggles as needed. In all that is happening in the world, people certainly deserve a safe space.
Learn more about Riana here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Instructor, contributor in research and content production
Alexandria graduated from the highly-ranked University of Texas at Austin with her Bachelors in Psychology. She later obtained her Masters in Nutrition from Texas State University. She completed over 1000 hours of dietetic internship and became a Registered Dietitian. She is currently the Nutrition Director at a thriving private practice in Austin.
She is passionate about an anti-diet approach to food and supports the principles of Intuitive Eating and Health at Every Size®. Drawing from her own lived experience as well as her education and experience, Alexandra knows the struggle of the journey and is passionate about helping others find freedom.
Learn more about Alexandria here.
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Sarah graduated from the prestigious University of Texas with her Masters in Social Work. Her clinical focus has been centered around supporting individuals with trauma/PTSD, sexual abuse, foster/adoptive children and families, as well as disordered eating. She works from a family systems approach that values the individual within the family.
Sarah draws from different techniques such as Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), EMDR, Parent Child-Care (PC-Care), Phase Based Treatment for Problematic Sexual Behaviors (PBT for PSB), Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), and Art Therapy.
Learn more about Sarah here.
Supervised by Arielle Sokoll-Ward, LCSW-S
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Megan is a Licensed Social Worker. Originally from Chicago, she moved south to embrace the warm weather and have more opportunities to be in nature.She is passionate about embracing the strengths of neurodivergence and advocating for the unique needs of this population. She identifies as queer and is enthusiastic about creating inclusive spaces for all and supporting the LGBTQ+ community. Megan obtained a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She later received a Master of Science in Nutrition from Maryland University of Integrative Health, and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Texas at Austin. Her education and work in nutrition is what opened her eyes to the realities of disordered behaviors and how it interfered with peoples’ pursuits of health.
Learn more about Megan here.
Supervised by Shannon Deitch, LPC-S
Inclusive Eating Disorder Education: Contributor in research and content production
Jennifer has experience with individuals with anxiety, depression, trauma, and/or eating disorders. She utilizes highly evidence-based interventions/techniques. She is trained in EMDR. She ultimately believes that the relationship between therapist and client is the most important aspect of the therapeutic process. The human brain is resilient, and there is great power within the therapeutic relationship to create change.
Learn more about Kim here.
Land Acknowledgement
Land acknowledgements are an important way to honor, to express gratitude and respect, and offer recognition for Indigenous Peoples as the original stewards of their lands. They are also a way to directly name and confront the United States’ racial geography. Learn more here.
The IEDE team acknowledges, with deep and solemn respect, that the land we call home - Austin, Texas, was taken from Indigenous People violently. These people lived on and cared for this land long before it became Austin. The Tonkawa, the Apache, the Ysleta del sur Pueblo, the Lipan Apache Tribe, the Texas Band of Yaqui Indians, the Coahuitlecan, the Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas, the Jumanos, the Kickapoo Tribe of Texas, Carrizo & Comecrudo, Tigua Pueblo, Caddo, Comanche, Kiowa, Wichita, Chickasaw, and Waco peoples, are some of the Indigenous Peoples we have learned to explicitly name.
In acknowledging the Indigenous People who are inextricably connected to Austin, we commit to continue learning about, celebrating, and honoring the land and the Indigenous Peoples connected to it. We value the work of decolonization in our personal and professional lives, and strive to uphold these values in all that we do.